
Showing posts from November, 2021

Content of a Magazine

       Content is very important when it comes to a magazine. This is the thing that makes people want to continue reading your magazine. If your writing is great and on an amazing story, this keeps your reading engaged.         The 6 tips you need to make sure your content for your magazine is appealing would be by targeting your pitch carefully, becoming a specialist, do plenty of research, considering magazine audience, keeping track of personnel changes of the magazine, no and being flexible.  1. Targeting your Pitch Successfully      This is very important because your pitch has to have the same concept of the magazine. If your magazine is about cars, you’re not going to write an article about a dress.  2. Becoming a Specialist       Knowing what you’re talking about also will engage the audience. If you find a topic that you’re interested in and know a lot about, this increases the quality of your...

Anatomy/Layout Of a Page Design

    To start off, as discussed before, house Styles is fairly similar to the anatomy of a page design. There are elements that companies uses are are fundamental to the creation of a magazine.       For a cover, things such as main image, mast head, main cover line, and subhead line are normally used. A main cover is  the image in the center of the front page, the picture is usually of a person who waste likely have an exclusive interview and a couple of pictures inside the magazine.  A mast head  refers to the flag, banner or the name of a magazine. A main cover line is  the main body of the text on the front cover. A subhead line is  a phrase or sentence that gives a bit more information about the article that follows.     For a table of contents, it’s pretty self designed. The only things needed are page numbers, name of articles in the magazine, branding, typography which is the style and appearance if a printed matter...

Market Research of a Magazine

    Market research of a magazine is important because this allows the magazine to be presented to its audience and how it will interact with it. You have to create a strategy so you can have an effective way to present this.       To do market research, you need a strategy to learn about your audience, research to attain subscribers, and secure advertising sales. You can do this by researching to develop a circulation strategy, benchmark customer satisfaction, sell advertising, syndicate and sell to your advertisers.       Firstly, you will need to define your objectives. This can be keeping current subscribers, gaining a larger audience, winning more advertisers, etc. Then you have to find out what you already know and use that to the best of your ability, along with the things you’re going to learn. And since you already are aware of what you know, you now have to make up for what you don’t. Now you want to build your research plan ba...

Production of a Magazine

       The production of a magazine is the process form start to finish of the magazine. It’s starts with Planning, Preparing,   Production, Printing, Distribution, Maintaining Editorial Focus, and Technological Advancements. However o will only talk about planning, preparing, and production since wiry magazines are virtual.          To start off apparently everything that they do in the beginning has to do with the end. Souls things such as deadlines for products to be advertised, are decided by the editor and publisher. Then things like stories in the Magazine are planned months or even up to a year in advance. After deciding on a story that came from any of the staff members or Freelance writers, a manuscript is written and given to a magazine in a electronic format. After this that the manuscript goes through an    evaluation of the staff depending on its size to edit it. After the magazine will officially accept or reject ...

Types/Genres of a Magazine

      There are plenty types/genres of magazines. Such as auto, business & finance, children’s, computer & electronics, cooking/food/Bev Magazines, Craft & Hobbies, Entertainment & Tv, En Español, Fashion & Style, Health & Fitness, Home & Garden, Lifestyle, Men’s, News & Politics, Parenting, Psychology, Science & Nature, Sports & Recreation, Teen, Regional, Travel & Places, and Women’s. I will be showing examples of each below.   Auto        These magazines are normally about vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, planes, boats, electronic inventions, etc.  Business & Finance       These magazines are normally about business related issues such as stocks, how to save money, etc. Children’s        These magazines are normally about children’s health, tips to help kids, clothing choices for children, cartoons, etc. Computer & Electronics       ...

History of a Magazine

      Another aspect that gives away how a magazine is formatted/designed would be its history. History plays a big part into what the magazine will be about.      For example, Ebony magazine was created by a black man, John H. Johnson to be in honor of black, African Americans. It was the first magazine during its time to showcase black people on its pages. This was historical.     Another example of a magazines history would be vogue. It was founded by Arthur Baldwin Turnure. It was made to be a weekly journal for high class people. It covered topics such as traditions of the high class, etiquette, media, and social scene. This made a huge impact on American fashion and lifestyle.