Draft Feature Story
Spending his last ‘Benjamin’ on art supplies, Art By Bankrupt created a piece that he hoped to be purchased one day, and it was, by his companion. After months of increasing his art portfolio, he created one of many master pieces. Inspired by his own name “Bankrupted”, he designed sculptures of a criminal like character and sold 100 of them. But to keep this collectible progressing, he created an one of a kind sculpture with the character, stationed on a stash of money which is showcased in the front window of a famous street style art gallery.
Art by Bankrupt is among other artists that is featured in End to End Gallery located in Hollywood, Florida. Owned by Jeremiah Heller, this gallery was inspired by the art term “End to End”. “This refers to a huge graffiti piece that covers a wall from one end to the other,” said Keller. “On a subway train, it refers to a piece that covers the entire train, hence, ‘end to end.’” Keller started this collection with his wife to “introduce the artists we are passionate about to others,”. He had been collecting art for 13 years and doesn’t plan on stopping any time soon. “One Becomes Two, Two Becomes 10 then 10 becomes 100 and generally quicker than you expect,”.
However, Keller doesn’t collect just any art piece. “I only collect artists that I am personally excited about or established full time artists working in the industry, actively showing and creating work with the goal of becoming a Museum Inducted Artist.” This adds a layer of intimacy between he and the artist’s work and success.
The artist that are shown in the gallery are “ the leading auction tracked and traded artists from around the world. It's a lot of speculation to start but I have an unreal track record of buying artists' work right before they blow up.” Said Keller. Artists such as Martin Whatson, Brian Calvin, Kai, Kayla Mahaffey, Tyler Ward, Dam Lam, and Kaws have their art work displayed around the gallery. “ Two Years ago, I bought a work from an emerging artist doing his first major gallery show at 6,000 euro, this year sold it for $140,000.” This is unbelievable but shockingly true. This platform gives artists the exposure they can use to branch out and find clientele.
E2E mainly gains traction on their website. They sell the art pieces internationally via Artsy and 1stDibs also. But, if you’re looking to view works in perosn, End to End Gallery is open in the evenings of Thursdays to Sunday’s. In addition, on the third Saturday of every month, Downtown Hollywood host an art walk right in front of the street of the business. This is where plenty of other artists also bring their work to show and sell. Also, E2E opens a new showing of art work on this Saturday. And if there are children that may not want to walk down the street all night, there is a playground near by they can play at, like Keller’s child does! So, when looking for a spot to visit after your hard work during the week, this is the location!
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