A Bit About Me

Good- whatever time you’re seeing this. I’ve been talking about the course so much I didn’t even tell you about myself. 

       As said before my name is Leandra, I’m 17 years old and I live in America. Currently, I'm enrolled in the Cambridge program at my school. I’ve been in it since 9th grade and now I’m a senior, yay! This has been a rough 3/4 years, it’s been late nights, failed tests, misunderstanding assignments, rigorous study hours, but it was all worth it for the teachers that helped me through it, and the Cambridge tests being passed. And helping my GPA which is at a 3.83 unweighted on a 4.0 scale and 4.95 weighted. Yes, I’m very proud to say that, I worked my a- butt off :). There’s really nothing else I work harder on, other than sleeping, that I’m truly proud of. 

     For this course in particular, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to take it so I didn’t select it. However, I was put into this course and I believe this was a second chance at a good opportunity. When my teacher explained the course on the first day, I instantly became interested and wanted to know more. So I decided to stay. I'm not sure if she’s just extremely well at convincing or she was only saying what was in the syllabus but she was very passionate about it and her energy radiated to me.

    In addition, taking pictures/videos/seeing the impact it has on people has also been something I loved. And this is practically a class for this! I can use this knowledge if I do decide to go into the business marketing and management field. That isn't the only field I’d want to go in there's also, architecture and digital technology. There are some examples below. I took these for a social media marketing assistant job I did over the summer. I love how these photos turned out but I’m truly not able to say what type of photos these fall under. That job was honestly the best job I’ve ever did. Everything I was tasked with came so easy to me as if I knew it already. My supervisor was very supportive and even let me take all the pictures and create advertising posts during my time there.

      Overall that was an amazing experience. I did wish that I learned more about marketing but a couple of things weren’t working out due to factors neither her or I could control so we didn’t have that much time to solely focus on those aspects. In better news, I got paid for that job So, I’m “big money balling” (1) right now. But surprisingly, I haven’t been spending my money all Willy-nilly. I’ve been saving what I get. I even surpassed my saving goal, I’m proud of that. Hopefully I hit my next goal! 

      I hope what I told you today gave you more of an insight into who I am and what I like. I didn’t want to explain how I am as a person because you would have to see and experience that, not me tell you I’m a good person or I’m dependable. So thank you for listening! Have a good day!

(1) Big money balling- You have “a lot” of money to spend on anything you want. 


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