Reflection on Syllabus

      Hello, I’m back again! I want to explain how I feel about this course so you and I can understand my mindset better. 

      I’m honestly very confused on a couple of the aspects, which makes me very nervous. As seen in the photo below, this is a great representation of how my mind is as of right now. Aspects such as the format of the posts are confusing me. I’m aware we need a task and an intro, however, that seems to be the bare minimum so I’m going to search if there’s more things to add to each one. 

     Picking my idea for my magazine also makes me anxious. I don’t think it’s hard to pick an idea but following through is what’s iffy. I want to do an idea that I’m passionate about so I put my best foot forward and my product comes out to be something I’m extremely proud of. I don’t want the idea to fall apart in the middle and I have to start over. At the end of the day, I will still chose to but I’d rather not.

     One more aspect that I’m nervous for is how the the pictures I’m going to take will come out. They'll be the type of photo that’s being asked for but overall and individually, will it look pleasing? I want my products to come out as professional as possible so it show cases my ability to apply the knowledge I know for this course and add my creativity to it. 

     That also is what I’m excited for. Learning how to take the photos, adding my creativity to it, and seeing it come to life would be mind blowing. I have an idea on what kind of content I want to do but I have to make sure I have the tools I need. 

     I’m also looking forward to explore representation in the media such as the effect of social and cultural context on media and underrepresented or misrepresented groups. Learning about the true history of these groups and seeing how in the media they’re used as a stereotype or not shown at all would be interesting.

      Seeing later on how taking this course has effected my way in understanding media and making media will be shocking. Being able to analyze trailers, movies, shows, fashion pictures, clothing pictures, or anything being advertised will be a big step from where I am now. Currently, I do notice when shows or movies use a certain filter and I guess why they do however I’m not sure if I’m interpreting them correctly. This course will teach me why they do that. 

      This will most likely help me better be informed about how media is used, and I can apply that to advertising. One of my interests for a career is working in business marketing and management and having that background knowledge before I dive into the field would be amazing and it will just be a refresher when I start in college. 

       I hope this gave an insight on how I'm coming to my decisions about my project. I appreciate any feedback!


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